Friday 17 December 2010


Ever since being introduced to a computer in an early age I was straight away introduced to networking sites at school such as bebo and msn  Automatically i grew attatched as I was able to talk to my friends, share information, show my own personality through my page and comment on other peoples photos, stories and comments. As I grew older I moved onto a more mature networking site, probably the most popular social networking site in the world. You know which site I’m talking about because you and most of the population  are attactched on it.........face book, yes even now along with everyone else we all seem rooted to this one and only site which in some cases seems overpowering and addictive to many people. This is the main network I will talk about as I find it facinating at the amount of people who use it, even sometimes the most embarasing of people such as your parents, aunties, teachers and even grandparents! everyone these days is on face book.
Referring to my professional practice, all my friends use networks like myself when we look for jobs. We are able to use search engines such as google and ask jeeves to find jobs and auditions that are coming up. Also we can join online agencies which may be free or can be of monthly charges and login and create accounts for sites that can send you regular and free updates on jobs like “The Stage”. Going back to face book the technology I socially use the most can sometimes help me in the best way. Facebook can suggest companies and agency groups to join on our professional practice that will do the same thing and will send emails and updates on news and any jobs that are coming up soon.I have joined many of these and through face book they will automatically be sent by text to my phone informing me of these new notifications that have been sent to my page. A brilliant technology created by face book.
Facebook does not only keep me informed of important news and opportunities but also can allow me to freely talk to my friends in a live situation. Not only do me and my friends use this to keep in touch but we use to talk to each other sharing important information about auditions that maybe I haven’t seen or maybe to inform my friends of some important ones that I have found coming up soon. This is just like how we would in college before I  graduated where we would all share our information on a white board in our changing room of future auditions coming up. This just shows how close my year can still easily keep on track of things and each other, just like when we were in college where we were standing next to us, face book allows this to happen even though we are miles apart.
Practitioners that I admire such as large agencies like spotlight or Jean Ann Ryan use huge technolgies to keep and store everyone on large computer files. I am with Jean Ann Ryan and when working with the choreographer on the ship  and in America I noticed they also added me on face book, a great professional link to have which face book has allowed me to do, the choreographer herself  also used hotmail and face book to get in touch with the agency back in America to send certain things over onto the ship that she noticed we were short of such as costumes and props.
When reflecting on networks such as Facebook I can see other reasons why people dont just use it socially, companys realise how popular facebook is and so use it for advertising purposes, there are many sites I have joined just for information on something . Also people use it to remember people, for example when one of my peers sadly passed away in college a site on facebook was specially made in honour of him and this was fantastic for all the people who lived so far away to post comments and to reflect on his photos and to share with everyone on how amazing he really was. Even now I can go onto his page and share a thought.
On the bad side of things face book can be used for bullying, again people know how big it is and so can easily distribute nasty comments on peoples pictures or walls as they know how many people can access it and they can easily use it to humiliate or embarass people.
My ideal network would be a networking site such as facebook but for all the dance students, professionals, choreographers and companys, you would be able to enter in your profesional cv and accumulate your own professional profile, you would then be sent updates on the particular areas that your cv/profile attracts and be guided and offered regular news on auditons and new suited to you. This would be brilliant and would save alot of time searching and hunting down auditons and things on the internet and you would have alot more contacts and guidience. If facebook could perhaps organise and arrange specific sections or areas such as dance/drama/finance/sport/beauty to place all the different agencys, companies and auditions in then we would all have abetter chance at finding them all and would maybe get more oportunities.This would be a step closer to my ideal network

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