Friday 5 November 2010


For this task I really had to knuckle down and think about everything as I was reading the course reader. I also looked closely at the document on how to start with web 2.0 and this also helped me understand more on the professional communication technologies reader. The more I read, the more I understood about the general subject and how all these technologies will help me and many other students on the course.
 One of the features of web 2.0 I can relate to and show as a perfect example is ‘Network as platform’ what am I doing right now? Right now I am typing away on my laptop sat on a ship in the middle of the Caribbean!! Web 2.0 allows me to confidently and easily access information and stay in contact with everyone on my course from any where on the planet. This is done by web 2 technologies such as facebook, blogs Gmail, delicious and you tube. Most of which I had never heard of before I joined the course. For all this I had to create new logins and users for and at the time I didn’t have a clue how much they would benefit me until now. The most exciting part is that even though no one on my course has met me they will meet me and discover my personality through my work. Through web 2.0, I am the creator and the way I display myself on a screen will be looked at by others, this can be in a good way or bad way. Reading Grubers theory about web 2.0 like facebook being ‘intelligent’ has also reminded me about us using web 2.0 intelligently as users. For example even though your not personally speaking out to everyone you can still portray the wrong impression through your blog and work so it is always important to think carefully in what you are writing just like how you would think before you speak. For example with facebook the reader states ‘If you don’t add friends, then the platform can’t help you. If you are rude or inconsiderate, the platform works to shut you down’. This would be a little similar with us, if you don’t add information no one can comment and if you were rude or offensive you would no longer be on the course.  
 Find your online identity and voice; be constructive, positive where appropriate and supportive when necessary’ I agree with this and think it is especially important to be noticed, stand out opening new topics and looking at things deeper with a different eye, this will create conversations, comments and will engage others through the technologies. Again Hamilton backs up my theory and ‘notes that participation is a function’. I want people to paint a picture of me in there mind by using my blog, discovering and reading my information and not analysing my display picture!
 Whilst reading I came across the following point, ‘Web 2.0 usually allows users to interact with each other, make formal and informal connections and share. “The word share especially stood out as by sharing information everyone benefits, the more information we share to each other the more we will all get out of the course and the more we will learn. I also found the word ‘community’, both these words show how closely together everybody works even though we may be so spread around the world yet all still doing the same course. This is amazing and gives another good example of how fantastic web 2.0 is. I also love the way everyone can discuss ideas through words and not so much speech. A lot of people struggle to find confidence to discuss and express themselves with tasks and questions asked and say if we were to have the same discussion in a room in public there would probably be a lot less input and originality behind ideas and topics. We can think more before we discuss things on our blogs and sometimes this works in a better way with a higher percentage of people getting more out of it.
If your getting more out of it let me know, I would be more than happy to receive any comments or discussions on my thoughts of any of the above, Thank you.


  1. Yes - I like your discussion of Grubers and your using the backdrop of being alone in a work situation - cruise ship - potently showing positive ness of the medium - and your inking to facebook advice - you have a good discussion about netiquette going on here...expression is a concept as well - it is not just saying something but projecting a public voice - good worksmithing here - that is your use of words was clear and readable

  2. And I think you begin to discover that Web 2.0 should work for you and not the other way around.
