Thursday 18 November 2010


Tuesday 17th of November
 I’ve chosen this day as a lot went on bringing up mixed emotions and a lot of heavy feelings into the day, something I feel I could reflect well on.
This was the day our Male singer got fired so it wasn’t really your average day; this was the day we lost someone that our cast grew extremely close to from meeting and training with in from day one. I won’t go on discuss more about the event but more about the whole experience I learnt from writing about this particular day.
            Firstly I was surprised about how much detail I went into, when I started thinking about things a lot deeper everything came to me much more easily and I found myself having to draw to a close as I realised how many different views and emotions that were involved in that particular day. Putting everything into words opened me to see different views, for example how I felt, my cast and the singer himself. I was able to imagine myself in his positions and could understand more of his emotions. This technique I would definitely use again, it showed me a different approach to my journal that wasn’t just about me. Normally I thought most diaries were about me myself and I but by imagining that particular day through somebody else’s eyes I feel I gained something from the whole experience and felt more for my castmate. I will use this now in my practice when analysing my days to make things better, for example learning a new routine and imagining seeing it through a member of the audiences eyes, this will make me a better performer and from this I can create more of what I feel the audience would like to see from me as a dancer. Another great example is when eventually I am able to teach, hopefully I can also imagine and see things clearer through a students eyes and this will help me understand more about helping them and substantially become a better teacher. Seeing things through our singers eyes made me appreciate my job and reminded me of the competiveness of our career and how easy it is to loose our job, it made more motivated and overall made me more determined, I want to now work harder so that I never get close to that situation, my diary entry even scared me to imagine myself in the singers position, something I thought a diary wouldn’t have the control to do!
            I also feel that I was able to sum up my day a lot more clearly through this experience and it highlighted and pointed out the parts which were most important to me these were the parts that I wrote about the most. I could see the parts that were good and bad for example how comforting we were as a cast and how the day really brought out everyone’s feelings, not just mine. I saw everybody in a good light, there was so much kindness and supportiveness amongst us as well as the sadness, blame and sorry. The few words I just used then were another technique I used, with these words I created a spider diagram of words that summed up my day, and this showed me a diary doesn’t just have to be a block of heavy writing, something else I learnt from my journal writing experience. A lot of the words and points I relate to I realised weren’t just about me and the people around me but were about the whole atmosphere of the day. By thinking about the bad points which I normally wouldn’t focus on I could look at the situation more and if it were to happen again I’m sure I would be a lot better handling the situation.
 I found that the techniques I had never used before with journal writing were the most useful and I will use these from now on with my diary entry’s, they allowed me to approach things differently in future, imagine things in different eyes and taught me a lot about myself and other people.
            After all the people in life who stand out and look at things differently eg. Painters, scientists and inventors are usually the most wisest and successful living people on our planet!

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